Caught Up In Concepts

Dear One,

I AM Archangel Michael here with you all to share a loving message as a reminder to ensure that you walk your personal journey of coming into your most refined authenticity. In spirituality as a collective term for what humanity entails as energy, universal law, frequency, vibration, love and forms or concepts that cannot always be proven in the scientific disciplines currently available on earth, we ask that you remember to come from within your heart in order to be with who you truly are. There are times when we find that humanity have not pondered on the embodiment of the frequencies of information they receive in order to correct their journey or to clarify the truth.

We as your spirit guides ask of you to not control your reality as to hold yourself to concepts when it does not resonate with you. Instead please even take this message for what you will and not feel controlled by the words of this channelled message to dictate your life and direct you to where you are already as a being of love, truth, and honour. Feel not the need to be true to the word or the communication that you ought to know are sounds or vibrations indicating what you hear or speak of has an origin that connects us all. You are able to revive your memory of your truth simply by letting go of all these concepts you have adhered to while you were in training.

You are a mighty warrior of peace so do not play small as to follow along words of population and rediscover or research your intuition in how you feel should be the way ahead for you. Beloved you are in charge of your own journey and so follow along with our guidance but please do enjoy this journey on the soul level so that you integrate the wonders of sovereignty in which we guide you towards though you have walked the path in solitude. You are a wonderous, magnificent being of light who is in accordance with divine order. There is no wrong or right move in the eternal truth that you ought to know your power as one with the creator of love, honour and truth and not smallness, rigidity and pain.

On pain, often it is romanticised as the exceptional adherence to a certain concept that becomes celebrated by way of knowing who you are already but having to provide evidence of it in the world of form because of earth’s 3rd density. You have always been free to be who you truly are and the conundrum in with the concept is that you are finding what is already within instead of experiencing the fullness of yourself as a sovereign being. Hardships are honourable when overcome and on the journey of faith to reach a higher goal towards alignment and stability of that, just do not miss out on what is currently as a miracle that surrounds you and celebrates your own divine plan. Keep going on your journey, never give up and save your energy/stress from walking down paths that do not serve you. Archangel Michael I AM.

Moment of Moses Message by Archangel Michael


It is I Archangel Michael here with a message of love for each one of you reading this transmission. The times ahead are calling for you to fully express yourself as the magnificent being that you are. You are able to connect with those who are able to see the guiding light that you are and this gives them a sense of safety. We ask of you to create a realm of consciousness that have risen like Jesus after his crucifixion or a phoenix from its ashes. You are a beloved being of light designed by the heaven to be exactly and most especially who you are.

Many of you reading this have been on a long journey of healing and so we invite you to go forward now in creating what you have obtained on the journey beautifying the glory of your journey thus far. Do you see how a change/shift in perspective of your experience here on earth is powerful enough to move mountains of doubt like how Moses was enabled to heal his lineage with the liberation of his people from the persecution of corrupt authority during his time? Well, you are of the same matter in which we are all potentials of God expressed in our unique blueprint to bring about the expansion of the middle path and of love once more. We are so pleased to be connecting with you in this way. May you know how loved you truly are as we honour you a consciousness of one love. Archangel Michael I am and we are complete. Adonai

Power of One

Dear One,

I am here and I would like to express my love to humanity at this time for we are on the brink of success as much as it seems to be on the cusp of the crackdown for all who are not in alignment with the building of New Earth and seek to delay the progress of this beautiful gene of Gaia from evolving. Together the light is strong, we are indeed one though we each have a unique blueprint to shine into the world as we complete all that our soul have set out to do as the divine would love to assist you in accomplishing. With that we would like to provide some support when it comes to building your own personal power in order to fully show up in the world as the light being that you have and always will be, one who is reading this message at this time.

The soul mission of which in social settings have disempowered you into believing is to be sought outside of you is truly a hoax in that you need not be anyone or anything else other than yourself in order to truly ascend into your full power. You are a brilliant star that have graced this world with the light codes that you have picked up from many different galaxies and dimensions dearest old soul. I speak with you as an old personal friend deep within your ancient psyche now aligning to to the origin of your truth in that you are soulful and here with a message to share with humanity. Beloved lightworker, your deeds as done on earth and on heaven’s cloud nine is no different from you becoming the authentic being of pure source consciousness. There will be moments in time where there are no reflections of who you truly are outside in the world for you to be referenced or validated. Take this as a compliment dear spiritual entrepreneur as you venture through this earth system with the skill and self mastery that have brought you about healing, wisdom, truth and certainty that you indeed are fully protected and guided in every step of which you take in life. The puzzle is much grander and even the puzzle pieces themselves are dynamic in structure, shape, form, frequency and intention.

With that I speak of the importance of acknowledging your power and intending it to fulfil a necessity that you feel a pull towards in life. Cellery juice for example is able to heal the body of all the ailments in which many overlook to be essential for fully functioning as a human being in alignment with their human blueprint. Yet there are so many pharmaceuticals to mimic the power and effect of this beautiful plant spirit for the total alignment with your true core values as a soul who is integrating the fluid of life in order to flow with divine purpose. Sometimes it is difficult to be your true self because it seems so simple and you feel that your identity is drowned in the noise of mediocre living which is actually just a lack of acknowledgement of uniqueness or modesty without self love. We speak of the way that humanity is appreciating life in that it is always separate from the one who is observing rather than the observer who observes the self in the world but not of the world.

We are pertaining to the idea that with your own recognition from a subtle realm of your energetic being, it is an honour to be speaking with you at this time for one who have sought after the truth only to find that they are all over the truth as the truth and delivering this to the entire collective through every breath and life choice that you have made. In that, we see you as a divine master of reality who is capable of supporting the collective to rise with you rather than a select few as we have mentioned before in how mundane you may feel about your existence. Being who you truly are does not mean that you let everyone know how special you recognise yourself to be. It is about appreciating the diverse experience of the one in its diversity within unity consciousness that makes it whole through interdependent love and not self deprecating that humanity have been programmed to settle for.

Shine dearest star being of earth for indeed you are a star whether you are of the earth with the Gaian DNA or the galactic strand of which may be more cultured simply by the amount of time your energetic state has been able to evolve. Do not fret whenever you feel that your truth may be disturbed by the world that wishes to box round pegs in square holes. You take on the shape of a star and you shine out your own expansiveness, taking up space upon the planet for the betterment of all. Never underestimate the way in which you express yourself. You are indeed a living, breathing sign of hope that is no different from the synchronicity of angel numbers, only even better, humanity can interact with you directly in order to access the healing powers that is embedded within human connection from a heart and soul point of receptivity.

With that my dear ones, this has been a transmission of how loved and cherished you are by your own spiritual team who are cheering you on in order to bring about change that has been assigned to you to resolve and stand to protect in the sacredness of all life. We leave you now with a blessing and gratitude for your continued appreciation of life in your own style. Blessed be.

Archangel Michael, Quan Yin, Aphrodite, El Morya, The Peacekeepers and your own Higher Self

Ascension Update for 2021 by Archangel Michael and Kuthumi

Dearest One,

I am Lord Kuthumi speaking to this collective at Unified Souls as we gather our people of the Shamballah remembrance to go after our passion and dreams of our soul since the beginning of time being that of serving the greater creation. I want to thank you for being here for me to deliver this message through Phuong for you to be provided guidance and assistance on your soul journey as we enter a new month of January not too long now. A new beginning of peace shall for now be incubated and stored for relinquishment of weeds, weapons, and forces of destruction for what is no longer serving to the Holy Communion within and without. Sometimes they can be all too serious and there will be times where your emotional trauma had been minimized to a rate of which you don’t realise you are being tortured every single moment of your life. As much as I for one would like to speak about the result of birthing a Golden Age, I must confess my love for all who are without validation for what inner conflict is racketing from inside out from your Holy Spirit to wake us all up to answer the call of realism transcendent of realisations in fear consciousness but of surrender into love. I for now would like to thank you all for being the light warriors during this inner battle for the light and ultimately, know that we are all after the One, the only love that will sustain a whole Universe and make up all of us. It is my honour to be of service to you all and I now step back for Archangel Michael to step forward now.

Dear Ones,

I am Archangel Michael and have an announcement to make about 2021. Please be seated in a comfortable, relaxed position as you will be receiving an activation and replenishment of your energetic body as you tune into the frequencies around you now if you so choose to receive these light codes. I want to firstly congratulate you all of a big success for traversing through the great time of initiation on the planet as each one of you had chosen to wake up to the truth of your divinity in ways you would have never wondered upon and yet you find yourself in the unique position you are in having surrendered fully now to the workings of the Universe which is for you and humanity on your team always. It takes time now to build over the towers and structures of spiritual technology that you had once known of your temples of consciousness for the wellbeing of an entire human race. But now it is time to allow your spiritual musculature to flex and lift off the burdens you have trained very hard from to realise and remember that all that is required for your strength in training is the beauty of your presence and awakeness upon the planet thriving on behalf of your humankind so that they may too choose to follow upon your path until they are able to travel their own. For the current state of the world is confusion lost and unbound by the grace that they yearn to receive once more but have forgotten in their hopelessness of love and true kindness in their vibrational realities. Be brave, my love in being confident in your heart, mind, body and Holy Spirit to a state of being that will not let your consciousness back down with defeat and distaste in the places you have not wanted to go to in order to know how bright your light shines. Use your throat chakra and speak the truth for the world wants to be heard with someone who cares about humanity such as you. I want you to know that I as Archangel Michael has served as a world leader in lightworker ascension processes along with the keycode species to be looked after during their darkest of times to raise in vibrations for eternal youth of time. For that is the world we know about with expansive consciousness that allows for growth and cares for all areas of hurt, pain and suffering.

So far now my darlings. I hope through knowing how needed you are at this time in honouring your soul purpose and mission whatever may have been planned before you arrived (back) on Earth. I hope to empower you more with this beautiful crown of ascension placed upon your head. Feel and see the divine light from your earthliness of your human journey recharge in inspiration, Christhood and empowerment of love to strike a chord with the heavens that clouds perceived are now shifted respectfully out of the field of light that now reaches down like that of God’s grace and gentle touch to tap on this crown blessing it with the love that will remind you of your soul integrity in being here at this time while all that seems to have been lost is now becoming possible in your cognition to recreate or move along to a new place for Earth to keep living as you live for Earth and vice versa. Thank you for being alive at this time oh radiant one. We are now complete in our transmission of light and notice how there is no going back as you have raised your level of consciousness to a higher state of mind as Christ embodiments during this winter solstice approaching the first and second coming of Christ in your Holy form healing all your journey right here and right now refreshed to a new day. And so it is. Feel now this light ground and integrate into the earth through your body out of your feet and directly surrounding the Earth core that of Source of light and love for self awareness of creation.

Archangel Michael and Kuthumi, here for you all with love.

The Starchild Returns

Dear One,

I am here and I love you. Indeed it is I Archangel Michael here with each one of you to share a message of guidance and love in the name of this sacred container called Keepers of the Rainbow Children. I am going to disclose with many of you who have a divine role as Keepers of these Enlightened Beings ready to bloom as lotus flowers at any given moment to pave the way for the future foundations and prayerful life ahead.

We are here with a garment of silver for each one of you which is embroidered with starlight so that you may not only be infused with the starseed energy allowing these children to feel at ‘home’ but also to reflect the outfit of those who embody their hope and saviourhood to the heart awakening key codes of planet Mother Gaia. Her heart is a purified sanctuary which through our detoxification shall truly emanate the healing that has become of her evolution for New Earth as a holder and keeper of her young souls.

Earth is a kindergarten for soul evolution and we see you as brave, brave warriors to come alongside these beings of growth and development at an unforseen scale of spiritual awakening of creating a new world. We would like you to ensure that peace for all so that this environment is one of heart’s manifestation where no fear is expressed, only acknowledged. Thank you for being the light.

We now place these silver starlight gowns over your physical vessel and feel that beaming stardom as the Kingdom of Heaven is infused into your essence transmuting all the places that have been deemed unworthy of love. The way forward with this glowing garment around you may it be one with your aura allowing your place on your Earth to be anchored with the galacticdom of your heart to be the young youthful souls you have been ever since the beginning of you yourself and I. You are light and you come with purity that never ceases to exist just as you are All That Is Who I AM, Beingness.

Be well, that is all from us today.

Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, the Galactic Federation of Light and Heaven on Earth placeholders together in Oneness.

Blessed be.

Introductory Channeled Message

Dear One,

We are here and we love you dearly. I am Archangel Michael together with Archangel Metatron feeling proud that we are able to channel a message through Phuong. Today we have gathered to present to you an introductory blog post from which Uni-Souls will establish a brilliant platform for the foundation of New Earth for younger generations including the Enlightened beings who shall lead the future and are under significant social development at this time as we speak. We are firstly going to address those of you who will be resonating with the messages through this portal as Guardians of your own children in the Golden times ahead as well as being aunts, uncles, role models for these young ones which we so honour you for taking up your mantle as Keepers of the Rainbow Children.

We are in ceremony as you read these words, praying from above for the divine blessings and healing to bestow upon your life in the near future that is transformed by the changing world constructs of your desires and casting votes for the health of Mother Gaia and as her Earth children whether you are a starseed from a different galaxy, neighbor or enlightened child of earth yourself. Know that these words we write are from the Holy of Holies within each one of you communicating directly before your eyes as we represent the time of the Sacred Masculine beyond the time of reunion from the return of the Goddess energy. For this has been what has been under renovation these past few months, the return of the Motherliness within us and the empowerment that calls for the Divine Feminine having healed the toxic patriarchy to a level in which the Sacred Masculine is now ready to serve in the forefront of placing a stake reclaiming this Sacred Garden that Mother Earth is.

We know it has been a time for all of you to look at your inner child wholesomely having the chance to return to your roots and at times feeling somewhat “grounded” for the crimes against humanity recognizing your sovereign power and duty has a significant role in driving the course of release from your own self-limiting beliefs. Behold your own forgiveness that will truly liberate one and all. Become a Warrior of Light knowing that the only way out is to expand from within and anchor the heaven you envision for us all standing in solidarity with the Humankind. We bless you. We love you and with much respect, honour and grace we now retreat.

Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron